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Business University of Costa Rica

verliehene Grade und Titel

Eric Harjono - Bachelor in Business Administration
Horace Oscar Porras - 1998 - Bachelor in Business Management
Agustin Trigo Vitureira - 2000 - Bachelor in Physical Education and Sport
David Romero Martin - 2001 - Bachelor in Computer Engineering
Miguel Angel Delgado - 2002 - Bachelor in Biology
Christian Patrick Smith Opitz - 2002 - Bachelor in Industrial Engineering
Rodrigo Royo Camblor - 2002 - Bachelor in Marketting
Ana María Marco Olmos – 2002 – Bachelor in Psychology
Jose Luis Flores Agell - 2002 - Bachelor in Industrial Engineering
Sigmar Peter Schuldt - 2003 - Bachelor in Business Administration
Alberto Casademunt Arques - 2003 - Bachelor in Laws
Jose Luis Cruz Fernandez - 2003 - Bachelor in Psychology
Angel Berro Torres - 2003 - Bachelor in Industrial Engineering
Uxo Cadenas Cabana -2004 - Bachelor in Business Administrations
Jose Luis Cruz Fernandez - 2004 - Bachelor in Collective Communication Sciences
Ernesto Renan Cambero Mena - 2005 - Bachelor in Industrial Engineering
Juan Fernando Yepes Lopez - 2005 - Bachelor in Business Administration
Jose Angel - 2005 - Bachelor in Technical Systems Engineering
Cesar Llamas Granado - 2005 - Bachelor in Industrial Engineering
UxoCadenas Cabana -2005 - Bachelor in Economics
Jose Arroyo - 2005 - Bachelor in Mathematics
Uwe Klapproth - 2005 - Bachelor in Political Sciences
Ana Maria Mur Marin - 2005 - Bachelor in Architecture
Jose Luis Cruz Fernandez - 2005 - Bachelor in Laws
Marcus Brall - 2005 - Bachelor (BBA) in Business Administrations
Daniel Encinas Tizon - 2006 - Bachelor in Industrial Enginnering
Luis Aaron Cortez Tapia - 2006 - Bachelor in Music
Ulrich Reitz - 2006 - Bachelor of Arts with emphasis in Economics
Johanna Köppen – 2007 – Bachelor in Business Administration

Jose Luis Cruz Fernandez - 2004 – Licensed in Collective Communication Sciences
Alberto Casademunt Arques – 2004 – Licensed in Laws
David Romero Martin – 2005 – Licensed in Computer Engineering
Ana María Mur Marin – 2006 – Licensed in Architecture
José Ángel Gómez Yécora – 2006 – Licensed Systems Engineering
Ernesto Renan Cambero Mena – 2006 - Licensed in Industrial Engineering
José Arroyo - 2006 - Licensed in Mathematics
José Luis Cruz Fernandez - 2006 - Licensed in Psychology
Mario Nuncio Ramoero - 2006 - Licensed in Psychology
Uxo Cadenas Cabana - 2006 - Licensed in Economics
Jose Luis Cruz Fernandez - 2006 - Licensed in Laws
Angel Berro Torres - 2005 - Licensed in Industrial Engineering
Miguel Angel Delgado - 2005 - Licensed in Biology
AgustoTrigo Vitureira - 2005 - Licensed in Physical Education and Sport
Cristian Patrick Smith Opitz - 2005 - Licensed in Industrial Engineering
Jose Luis Flores Agell - 2005 - Licensed in Industrial Engineering
Carlos Jose Esteria - 1997 - Licensed in Accounting
Ana María Marco Olmos – 2005 – Licensed in Psychology

Ko Yu Chow - MBA
Wong Pui Kwan, MBA
Lau Yan Tung, MA
Chan Sau Chung, MA
Terence McIvor, Master in Educational Technology
Jenaro Romero Pastor - 2004 - Master in Electronic Engineering
Hans-Jürgen Stepbach – 2004 – Master in Business Administration (with Emphasis in Finance)
Juan Manuel Peña Aguilar – 2005 - Master in Computer Engineering, with emphasis on networks
Daniel Esteban Odin - 2005 - Master of Business Administration (with emphasis in Education)
Ronald Erling - 2006 - Master in Cognitive Studies
Domenico Scarafilo - 2006 - Master in Civil Engineering
Jose Luis Flores Agell - 2006 - Master in Industrial Engineering
Uwe Klapproth - 2007 - Master Business Administration
Stefan Flacke – 2007 – Master in Psychology
Sonja Herzogenrath – 2007 – Master in Psychology
Chun Mei Yu - 2007 - Master of Business Administration

Zou Aimin - Doctor of Education
Ko Yu Chow - PhD in Business Administration
Dr Eva Czajkowski - Doctor of Science
Dr. Abdul Sultan Hassam - Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology [1]
Ng Hon Shing - Doctor of Business Administration
Ng Sai Ki - (PhD)
Wong Sai Wing - (PhD)
Cheung Kam Tim, Joseph - 2002 - PhD in Business Administration
Tang Hung Sang, 2002 - PhD in Business Administration
Mok Yee Ling, 2002 - PhD in Business Administration
Terence McIvor - 2005 - PhD of Chemical Education
Lo Hing Kwan, Constantin - 2005 - PhD in Business Administration
Wong Kan Tat, Frederick - 2005 - PhD in Business Administration
Ho Kwok Kit - 2005 - PhD in Business Administration
NN – 2005 – Doctor of Philosophy (Name bekannt)
Dr. Georg Reiff - 2005 - Doctor in Philosophy
Eduardo Agusto Ruiz - 2005 - Doctorate in Philosophy
Dr. Nagar Lai - 2006 - Doctor of Philosophy
Ronald Erling - 2006 - Doctorate in Cognitive Science
John Trettin - 2006 - Doctorate in Cognitive Science
Hans-Jürgen Stepbach - 2006 - Doctor in Business Administration (with emphasis in Finance)
Thomas Strutzmann - 2006 - Doctor in Business Administration
Henry Dombrowski - 2006 - Doctor in Civil Engineering
Apipong Boonkao - 2008 - Doctor of Business Administration
Boondharick Pataramon - 2008 - Doctor of Business Administration
Rangsan Subongkot - 2008 - Doctor of Business Administration

Honorary Doctorates
Udo Mühlroth - 2006 - Doctor (Dr. h.c.) in Business Administration
Robert Kurz - 2006 - Doctor (Dr. h.c.) in Business Administration
Elke Bergamini - 2007 - Doctor (Dr. h.c.)
President Dr. Yayah Jammeh - 2008 - Professor h.c. at the School of Life Science & Biology
Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen - 2008 - Professor h.c. in Political Science with emphasis on Foreign Relations
Dr. h.c. Manfred Timmermeister – 2007 - Professor (Prof. h.c.) in Business Administration at the School of Business Administration
Otto Reil – 2007 - Professor (Prof. h.c.) with emphasis in Human Resources at the School of Business Administration
NN – 2007 – Professor (Prof. h.c.) in Printed Media Technology at the School of Education & Humanities (Name bekannt)
Ulrike Ertel - 2007 - Professor (Prof. h.c.) with emphasis Fine Arts at the School of Education and Humanities
Domenico Scarafilo, M.Sc – 2006 - Professor (Prof. h.c.) in Education at the School of Education & Humanities
Terence McIvor - 2006 - Professor (Prof h.c.) in Chemical Education at the School of Biology
Dr. Joachim Trettin – 2006 - Professor (Prof h.c.) in Orgonomy at the School of Biology
Daniel Odin (MBA) – 2006 - Professor of Operations Management at the School of Business Administration
Dr. Georg Reiff - 2005 - Professor h.c. with emphasis Ancient Roman culture & Educational Systems in Europe at the School of Education & Humanities

[1] Janet Steffenhagen, B.C. Blacklists Private University, Vancouver Sun 2008-06-11


We are a group of International Alumni who present in cooperation with the International Office facts and data about our Alma Master and our Alumni. Alumni who are not listed yet, are invited to join us!

Der Lapsus Calami "Alma Master" spricht Bände...

Quelle: (nicht mehr verfügbar seit 05.01.09)
(Alumni Stand 25.12.08)

Fußnote unter der Alumni-Liste:
Due to privacy ordiance, the university will not disclose any student record unless with written authorization from students. The alumni list does not contain all graduates. Any amendment will not be served with advance notice. Unless the university receives authorization from students, students as well as graduates' name and their contact information will not be disclosed. Graduates from Hong Kong and China can contact Professor Gary Chan, Prof. Michael Lee and Prof Amen Lee Chi Shing for record update.

University administrative policy. University will not disclose student and graduate information nor academic result unless with written authorization from students. University staff will answer email and enquires and the normal response time is within 72 hours. All international alumni records have been kept safely in their local campus and in Costa Rica campus. Graduates name will be updated on our official website upon authorization from students.
Quelle: Webarchive

update 28.12.2008 - Die Alumni-Seite ( ) ist nicht mehr öffentlich zugänglich. Die Sperrung wurde von Thailand aus initiiert.

Alumni cache vom 16. Nov 2008 00:05:04 GMT (nicht mehr verfügbar)
Honorary Faculty cache vom 08. Nov 2008 13:31:21 GMT

UNEM - Die Filiale in China

Offices of Fundacíon Empresarial de Costa Rica

"Students from People's Republic of China please contact
Professor Gary Chan or
Professor Lee
please visit our site in China"

(Die Seite wurde im Oktober 2008 gesperrt)

Bildherkunft: Screenshot/Webarchive
Label: " Chan Gary Yuk Fei "

UNEM - Juni 2003 bis Febr 2005 - Werbung in China
Bild: Screenshot / Webarchive

Empresarial University - Graduates from China
Bild: Screenshot / Webarchive 2005

Links zum Thema:
Hong Kong Diploma Mill Connection - Authentic information about the Empresarial Diploma Mill Network

Empresarial University - Degree Mill,; Weblog; 2008

Article on Universidad Empresarial;; Forum; Dec 24, 2008

Empresarial University Alumni; List of People using Empresarial University Degrees; Hong Kong;; Weblog; 2009

Hundreds Linked to Diploma Mill; Valerie Strauss; Washington Post; July 31, 2008

Diploma mill degree recipients -

Buyers of bogus degrees named

Social workers tied to purchase of fake degrees, The Spokesman-Review, May 30, 2009, by John Stucke

U.S. Attorney Press Release - US v. Randock, et al. (Diploma Mill Fraud Case)


George D Gollin; When criminals control the Ministry of Education;; 21 Sept 2008

Consumer Fraud Reporting - Unaccredited Schools

Fake Degrees, Fraudulent Schemes: Scams Exposed. Widespread Damage To Seborga's Reputation; The Seborga Times; 01 June 2006

A University in Seborga? Not really...; The Seborga Times; 16 Feb 2006

"Diploma mills are a huge problem. They are an international problem. It doesn't matter where they are operating from."
Alan Contreras - Oregon Office of Degree Authorization - Washington Post July 31, 2008

UNEM - Repräsentant in Ankara

Ankara Representative
Ankara Business School

Bild: Screenshot/Webarchive - Unem Webseite - Januar 2008

Bild: Screenshot / /Jan 2009

Die Webseite der Ankara Business School wurde Anfang Juni 2009 geschlossen.

Weitere Links / Alumni:

"Dr." Georg Reiff (Germany), "Prof. H.C." Joachim Trettin und "Prof. Dr. H.C." Beate Freihold (Germany) beim WORLDWIDE HOLISTIC HEALING SEMINAR 2009 in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Mühlacker Tagblatt

... L. wechselt kurzfristig als Schulrätin ans Landratsamt Ludwigsburg ... Dr. (unem) Monika L. ist mit ihrem beruflichen Umzug in den ... - 23k - Im Cache - Ähnliche Seiten

....und aus Dr (unem) wird dann gelegentlich ein Dr.......

"Dr. Monika L. zur Schulrätin ernannt" - Pressemitteilung Landkreis Ludwigsburg

Schulberatung und Schulaufsicht - Landkreis Ludwigsburg

Schulrätin im Zwielicht - Hinter Doktorgrad aus Costa Rica stehen dicke Fragezeichen, Marvin Oppong, Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung, 31. Dezember 2008.

Stuttgarter Nachrichten / Sascha Schmierer /12.02.2009 / "Akademischer Grad nichts wert"

Von der Arzthelferin zum Dr.(ul):
Für viele Titelsammler ist die "Ausbildung" in Costa Rica nur der Einstieg:
Wie ein solcher Werdegang vom BS (unem) zum Dr. (ul) aussieht, kann man auf der Seite von Martina G. verfolgen.

Auch bei Taekwondo Sportlern scheint ein Bachelor of Science / Sport beliebt.
Agustin Trigo Vitureira hat vorgesorgt: UNEM und BIU..... sicher ist sicher.

Titelinhaber und Aktivisten:
PROF HC (unem) HOLGER LÜTTICH M.D. (A.M.) Ph.D. (A.M.)

Vorlesungsreihe Lüttich März 2008:
Studenten der Weston Reserve University und der Universidad Empresarial De Costa Rica können die Vorlesungen ergänzend zu ihrem Fernstudium belegen und auf Ihre Studienleistungen anrechnen lassen.

Bild: Screenshot 26.08.2008

Eine der zentralen und schillerndsten Figuren des Titelhandels in Europa, USA, Afrika und Asien ist zweifellos Georg Reiff. Er vertritt mehrere Titelmühlen, sowie "The International Parliament for Safety and Peace", auch bekannt als "International States Parliament for Safety and Peace" (IPSP).

Am 19 November 2008 veranstaltete Georg Reiff zusammen mit Holger Lüttich in Banjul / The Gambia eine Zeremonie, bei der Präsident Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh gleich 3 Ehrungen erhielt:
Georg Reiff, als Vertreter des IPSP, überreichte ihm die Ernennung zum "3rd International Vice-President of the International Parliament for Safety and Peace" und "Senator for Life".
Holger Lüttich, als Vertreter der 'Business University of Costa Rica' ernannte ihn zum Ehrenprofessor für "seine Forschung und Praxis im Bereich der Alternativmedizin, seine Arbeit in der AIDS Behandlung und sein humanitäres Engagement für die Armen" ("Honorary Professorship for Traditional Medicine by the School of Biology and Life Science at the Empresarial University of Costa Rica"). Lüttich lobte den Präsidenten als einen "Vorreiter für Menschlichkeit und Fortschritt in der Region".
Die "Awards" wurden in der regierungsfreundlichen Presse hochgelobt, von der Opposition und der Presse ausserhalb Gambias setzte es nur mildes Lächeln bis zu Hohn und Spott.
[Der Name Reiff wird in der Bildunterschrift auf der - Webseite fälschlicherweise als Raif geschrieben.]

State House The Gambia / Bild3 - von links nach rechts: Lüttich, Jammeh, Reiff

Lüttich - eigene Presseerklärungen:

The things that bother the imagination - The Gambia Echo, 2008-11-26

Gambia: An Exemplary Leader (Editorial)". The Daily Observer. 2008-11-21

Business University / Empresarial University / Universidad Empresarial de Costa Rica:

siehe auch:
" Dr., Lord Luttich was appointed as Assistant of the Ambassor Dr. Georg Reiff and will advise His Excellency in the field of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. "

Sept. 2010
(Fake Dr. and Prof.) Holger Luettich's latest joke in The Gambia:

"Jammeh 'award' coverage reflects chill in Gambian press"
Article by Frank Smyth with Mohamed Keita / CPJ Staff

Yoga Lehrer und Sozialpädagoge Holger Lüttich überreicht Jammeh einen "Gautsch Brief". Gautschen bezeichnet die traditionelle Lehrlingstaufe der Buchdrucker nach bestandener Prüfung. (siehe auch wikipedia)
Lehrling Jammeh ist somit zum geprüften Buchdrucker aufgestiegen, natürlich nur honoris causa. - Köstlich! - Banjul 16. Sept 2010 Statehouse image 8184
left: President Jammeh; right: Holger Lüttich as the "representant" of a nonexistent organisation "Printers and Publishers Guild of Northern Germany".
Gegenüber Jammeh und der Presse deklariert Lüttich den Brief als "Honorary Vocational Bachelors Degree award from the Printers and Publishers Guild of Northern Germany".
Dass es eine "Printers and Publishers - Gilde von Norddeutschland" gar nicht gibt, kann in Afrika ja keiner ahnen.
Schade, daß Jammeh weder lesen kann, noch begreift, was da in seiner Urkunde steht:

"Wir Jünger Gutenbergs thun anmit in unserer Kunst - in teutsch und andern Landen - jedermänniglich kund und zu wissen, daß der Jünger der hochberühmten Buchdruckerkunst

Honoris Causa
H.E. Prof. Dr. Yahya A. J. J. Jammeh

nach altem Brauch und Herkommen heut mit Zuziehung der ehrbaren Gesellen unserer Officin sich losgesagt von all Hudelei und falschem Brauch und die Wassertauff ad posteriora erhalten hat und damit in sämtliche Rechte und Privilegien eingesetzt ist, wie sie uns weiland von Kaiser Friedrich dem Dritten verliehen worden. Kraft dessen gebieten wir allen unsern Kunstgenossen den benannten Jünger Gutenbergs als wahrhaften Schwarzkünstler wohl anzuerkennen und aufzunehmen. Gott grüß die Kunst!

Wäre A. J. J. Jammeh ein aufrechter Moslem, dürfte ihm der letzte Satz nicht besonders gefallen, es müßte schon "Allah grüß die Kunst" heißen. In Saudi Arabien würde ein solcher Lapsus nicht durchgehen. Aber Jammeh lebt ohnehin nicht streng nach dem Koran. Er betreibt ja auch noch Witch-Hunts. Außerdem - wenn es um Awards geht, kann man schon mal ein Auge zudrücken.

Mit von der Partie am 16. Sept. 2010 in Banjul: Georg Reiff / German citizenship, living in Thailand
Georg Reiff - Diploma mill degree information / Spokesman-Review Database / published July 28, 2008

Gautschbriefe gibt es im Internet oder Onlineshop:

Hatab Fadera, Daily Observer, The Gambia

Statehouse, The Gambia

Lüttich, Reiff and Jammeh - Gambia Dictator "lied about Obama award"

Holger Lüttich (rechts) und Yahya Jammeh (links) mit Gautsch Brief:
"Gambian President Yahya Jammeh receives an award from a bogus German guild"
afrol News, 27 Sept 2010

Holger Lüttich (Shivananda Bharti)

Nach Paragraph 132a des Strafgesetzbuchs kann für das unbefugte Führen akademischer Grade eine Freiheitsstrafe bis zu einem Jahr oder eine Geldstrafe verhängt werden.

Weitere Seiten: (englischsprachige)
Georg Reiff - Ambassador of Evil

Appendix A

Physican-to-be fought against being shorted
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff - published Friday, Oct. 25, 2002, in Vol. 2, No. 212

Hell hath no fury like that of a medical student shortchanged. And if Jerry Grace feels shortchanged, he will hang around for months trying to provoke official action.
The only problem is that until this week no one was listening to Jeffrey Grace, a U.S. citizen.
His story is complex and expensive. Plus he had a number of fellow medical students, mostly from the United States, who feel similarly short-changed but did not stick around to complain.
Grace is among 12 students who registered to attend the San Judas Tadeo medical school. Most were recruited from the United States, but one Canadian, on Bahaman and a woman from Trinidad and Tobago also were in the class.
Grace and J. Duke Moseley are among those who believe that their $3,000 a month tuition was spent badly.
Moseley, who switched to another medical school here a year ago, said Thursday that the class met for a time at nights in the San Judas high school on Avenida 10 in Sabana Este. Later officials of the school moved the class to an apartment in Sabana Oeste and then to Rohrmoser, he said.
The basic complaint is that the students expected a three-year, English-language medical program of U.S. quality. Instead, they believe they got something less. Plus they believe that the school is not really qualified as a medical school and any diplomas they might earn would have no value.
Moseley said Cuban physicians dominated the faculty, and most did not speak English. They were something less than the U.S. board-certified professors he said he was promised.
An anatomy lab was taught by a Tico student a single semester ahead of the class, he said. The school finally managed to bring in a cadaver so the future physicians could have hands-on anatomy training, but when educational officials visited, the bodies were hidden from view, probably because the school lacked the proper permits, he said.
Moseley had nothing but good things to say about Grace, who stayed here attempting to get some kind of official action. Finally, this week, Channel 7, Teletica, featured a report about the school and another school, Empresarial University ( that even now is actively soliciting students from the United States.
Said Grace Thursday in an e-mail: "Yes I stuck it out, but to say the doors slammed on me would be inaccurate. Most of the time they never opened. Even from the authorities up in States. I am so disgusted with all of these people."

Costa Rica officials are investigating both the San Judas situation and the new medical school at Empresarial University that said it would accept its first class in January. Officials are unable to verify that the university is licensed to run a medical school.

Grace said he would go on: "I still intend to continue my medical studies and, thank God for the support I have from a great wife. She has stood by me throughout this whole ordeal."


Appendix B

Georgia moves against two med schools here
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff - published Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2002, in Vol. 2, No. 224

The U.S. State of Georgia has forbidden a man there to recruit for a troubled medical school in San José.

Shelvey Holland, standards administrator of the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission, took the action last week. The state official said that a cease-and-desist letter had been mailed to the man, Dr. Winston Cannon.
The Georgia official said that Cannon has been recruiting in Georgia for St. Jude Medical School and/or Empresarial University. Both institutions are in San José.
Neither institution has been authorized to recruit in Georgia. "Therefore, any kind of operation or recruiting in Georgia or from a base in Georgia has been illegal in this state unless and until these institutions apply for and, if possible, gain a certificate of authorization by the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission," the state official said.
The decision by Georgia is a victory for Jeffrey Grace, a U.S. citizen who came to San José to train as a physician. He spent a year here trying to get Costa Rican officials to look into the school after he decided in September 2001 that he was not getting an adequate education. He had little luck in attracting official attention.
Grace said that the medical school is associated with Colegio Univeritario San Judus Tadeo in Sabana. Grace said that he and 11 others were recruited for the school’s "American plan." Classes were supposed to be in English, and the successful graduates were supposed to be able to get jobs in their own countries, Grace said the school claimed. Some, but not all, of the students were recruited by Cannon from Georgia.
The principal complaints about the medical school say the school lacked accreditation, lacked qualified, English-speaking faculty members, had inadequate resources and failed to provide basic resources for education, such as cadavers for anatomy class. One student said that an apartment in Sabana Oeste was used for a time as a classroom.
Empresarial University seems to have had some relationship with St. Jude’s Medical School. Empresarial got into trouble with Costa Rican officials last month because it was featuring photos of some of the nation’s biggest hospitals on its Web page.
The Web page has been updated, although links still exist to a medical school and a veterinarian school. But the linked pages are both described as being under construction.
Empresarial also said that it offers doctoral degrees, including one in biological sciences. It also promotes a master’s of business administration on line, but that page, too, is under construction.
The Web page says that the university campus is in an urban residential area in Curridabat. The Web page said the school had been called the International Post-Graduate School until 1997.
Empresarial’s president is Aldo Erazo, and the rector is Lic. Noel Henriquez, said the Web page.
The Georgia official said that a copy of the cease-and-desist order has been sent to the president of Empresarial University and to the Consul General of Costa Rica in New Orleans.


Appendix C

"Doktorväter" Reiff und Flacke / acknowledgements in "thesis" / 2005

Bilder: Screenshot aus vom 05.04.2005 /

Appendix D

St Judes / Empresarial University in Costa Rica by jwgrace (no login)

I am posting this letter that I originally sent to the ECFMG regarding the St Judes School of Medicine and the Empresarial University in Costa Rica. A dozen or so of US canadian students come down to this med school that was a very bogus medical school.

In fact the president of Empresarial - Aldo Erazo- has now disaffilated himself with St Judes and has gone out on his own. His medical school will be known as the UNEM School of Medicine.

Understand that in order to have a medical school in costa rica all you have to have is paperwork incorporating a school name and a filing to CONESUP.

Its that easy tomake your own school;anyway read on....

Ms. Carol Bede,
Philadelphia, PA

September 28, 2002

Dear Ms. Bede,

I would like to inform you of another university in Costa Rica that is attempting to create a medical school and apply for recognition from the ECFMG.

The reason for my writing is that the President of the Empresarial University—Aldo Erazo—was the one of the principals involving the St Judes Medical School fiasco. He has now severed his ties with St Judes and is again attempting to defraud Americans again by attempting to set up another “medical school”, and by advertising that his school is WHO listed. The School of Medicine has NOT been approved by CONESUP, yet the web-site for Empresarial University lists the Medical school, along with a veterinarian school that also has not been approved by CONESUP. Empresarial University, is under investigation for awarding non-approved Ph.D’s, a traditional “diploma mill”.

These people are still advertising and allowing application submittal for classes starting in January 2003!

I am attempting to verify information that several medical degrees have been awarded already from Empresarial University…allegedly under the imprimatur of UNEM School of Medicine.

This brings up the subject about Costa Rica’s wholly inadequate policing efforts by CONESUP. This governmental regulatory body, entrusted to monitor and certify the private school system in Costa Rica, has historically not been able to shut down fraudulent schools, nor stop schools from operating without permits. This is not just medical schools.

One medical school operated for years without obtaining approval, permits, or inspections because they never bothered to apply. There is no concern from these schools of any regulatory action or sanction from the government. One school operated for years in flagrant disregard of CONESUP, before being listed with the ECFMG.

I have been told by a student at UNIBE that an investigation of allegations regarding falsification of transcripts by one of the administrative staff charged with students transferring from other schools. Obviously it is very difficult to verify these reports , however enough anedotal experience exists to lend crediibility to reports of this nature. Bribery is a way of life down here and you can pretty much obtain what you want without regard for the sancity of reputation or integrity.

There is continued abuse of the system and no obvious efforts by any past nor present administrations to correct the problems. Woefully underbudgeted and understaffed, it has for some time lead critics to suspect possible compromised action on the part of some of the administration. The creation of a non-approved St. Judes Medical school and Empresarial University are two recent examples. Look at the efforts of the St Judes to by-pass the normal , legal process. Several of us have seen one of the documents submitted to the ECFMG and have critical questions regarding its authenticity.

All former students are certainly happy that thus far, St Judes has not been listed with the ECFMG.

It has been a consistent effort on the part of St Judes to bypass normal administrative process to obtain certification. It has been the same way in their attempts for listing with the World Health Organization. IF they are a legitamate school, why do they have to bypass the normal route to a listing??

In speaking with the President of another Costa Rican medical school attempting to be listed, , he commented that the WHO is suspicious of applications from any Costa Rican medical schools now, because “ one of the medical schools here has been listing itself as WHO listed when it is knowingly not”! It’s not hard to guess which one he was referring to.

Empresarial University, is under investigation for awarding non-approved Ph.D’s, a traditional “diploma mill”.

Furthermore, “Dr. Winston Cannon” basing his office in Logansville, Georgia, was one of the recruiters for the St. Judes Medical School, and is presently being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Suspicion has surrounded this individual and his alleged involvement with Caribbean medical school scams from the 1980’s. He is also the subject of investigation by the Georgia Department of Education for alleged improprieties of state law. I wrote to the state of Georgia regarding my complaint and was answered back that it was being sent to the appropriate agencies for review…whatever that means.

Like Yogi Berri said, “Its Déjà vu all over again”.

I have written my congressman, Mike Rogers, who is a former FBI agent, about this situation with St Judes Medical School, well as several state and federal agencies.

Based on my observations, ALL Costa Rican medical schools should be unlisted and must re-submit applications for ECFMG listings. I would have onsite inspections of these schools by a representative of the ECFMG.

I would have a basic criteria that must be met from these medical schools before the process would begin. The costs for these ECFMG onsite inspections to be borne by the schools requesting listing from the ECFMG. I have visited most of the medical schools here and reviewed the curriculums, observed the facilities and visited CONESUP. Several of the schools have excellent programs, curriculums, and facilities.
However, the problem is if one unapproved school “sneaks” through and receives certification. The government of Costa Rica MUST understand the seriousness of this situation and correct their internal problems before allowing the medical schools to be listed. It should be a privilege to be listed with the ECFMG, not a right. Because one school is listed from a country doesn’t necessarily mean the others are equally qualified.

St Judes is a very good example of a totally inadequate school that must not be allowed to receive a listing with the ECFMG. It has no library, woefully inadequate laboratory facilities, unlicensed physicians teach classes. In fact some classes have students with no more than bachelor’s degrees teach teaching classes such as Medical Genetics. No clinical experience of any type. It was the consensus of the students, that instructors were hired more for their ability to speak English, then for competency in their respective field.

This is not the type of medical school that one would expect to be listed with the ECFMG.

Attempts by one of the former medical students, Jim Corruzi, to verify the medical school degree from Louisiana State University for the medical director at St Judes – Dr. Rodrigo Gutierrez Saenz- turned out negative, as the records of LSU did not show him in attendance. This was by written notification from the alumni office at LSU. I will have one of these government agencies search out his records to verify his attendance and degree.

I have filed a complaint with the Office of the Judicial Investigation about both schools, St Judes and Empresarial.

A preliminary hearing is tentatively scheduled for this week. I have also asked the prosecutor in this case to bring a lawsuit against the CONESUP for criminal negligence in failing to monitor this matter.

Furthermore the Oficina de la Information y a la Victima, (Office for Victims Rights) is also investigating the matter and I will be speaking to a lawyer in that office who will represent me in recovering money lost to St Judes. I am contacting the other students who came down here so they can also file complaints.

I went to the US Embassy to lodge a complaint and spoke to the legal attaché about the bogus WebPages that recruited the Americans to this fraudulent medical school. They in turn told me to connect the various Costa Rican agencies. Also to write to the FBI in the states to look in to this there.

I will also file a complaint with the Costa Rican governmental agency for Tourist Affairs. I want as many people in governmental agencies to be informed of this situation and to do something about it. Upon my return to the states I will be doing the same. I’ll start with the FBI office in Flint Michigan and go from there.

I have written the President of Costa Rica, Dr Abel Pacheco, about this situation along with providing a copy of this letter . He won the 2002 presidential election based in part on his commitment for quality education in Costa Rica. Let him live up to his pledge.

Respectfully yours,

Jeffrey W. Grace
Posted on Oct 13, 2002, 11:25 PM
from IP address


Appendix E

Ermittlungen und Warnung der Costaricanischen Behörden; Oct 28, 2002
- Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) -

CCSS rechaza uso de instalaciones en promoción de universidad privada
Caja emprenderá acciones legales correspondientes
La Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS), tomará las acciones correspondientes ante el uso de sus instalaciones hospitalarias para promover la oferta educativa de una universidad privada presuntamente, acreditada en el país.

La decisión la tomó su Junta Directiva, en acuerdo firme, durante la sesión de hoy en virtud de que ningún centro de educación superior puede promocionarse sobre la base de los servicios que brinda el Seguro Social.

El máximo órgano institucional trasladó el asunto a su Auditoría Interna e instruyó a su Dirección Jurídica a investigar el asunto y a tomar las acciones legales pertinentes a la brevedad posible y, si procediera presentar, en forma inmediata, las denuncias del caso ante Ministerio Público.

También dispuso trasladar la información al Consejo Nacional de Enseñanza Superior Privada ( CONESUP) y ordenar que se inserten de inmediato en la página Web de la CCSS las aclaraciones del caso con el fin de evitar que se pueda inducir a engaño a los potenciales estudiantes interesados en tales estudios.

El Dr. Eliseo Vargas García, Presidente Ejecutivo de la CCSS, advirtió a padres de familia y estudiantes costarricenses y extranjeros que indaguen sobre la calidad de las universidades en la que desean realizar sus estudios superiores, pues algunos de ellas pueden tener publicidad engañosa.

Esta situación se presenta en el momento en el que la institución está haciendo ingentes esfuerzos para regular el uso de sus campos clínicos, tratando de que las universidades adopten un plan de estudios adecuado a las necesidades institucionales y nacionales para salvaguardar el servicio que se le brinda a miles de asegurados a lo largo y ancho del territorio nacional.

La institución universitaria denominada “Universidad Empresarial”, está anunciándose por medio del sitio web En dicho sitio ofrece sus servicios e incorpora fotografías internas y externas del Hospital México y Hospital Nacional de Niños.

También en dicho sitio ofrece como centros de enseñanza a los hospitales: Adolfo Carit, San Juan de Dios, San Rafael de Alajuela, Nacional Psiquiátrico Chapuí, San Vicente de Paúl, Calderón Guardia y el Blanco Cervantes.
Quelle: (nicht mehr aktiv)
sowie Webarchive:

Appendix F

Universidad Empresarial kündigt über das Internet Medizinstudiengang in Costa Rica für ausländische Studenten an.
Lilliana Carranza;; Sept 08, 2003


El prestigio de las escuelas de medicina costarricense podría ser empañado por una universidad que se anuncia en Internet

Lilliana Carranza

La Universidad Empresarial se anuncia en Internet ofreciendo su carrera de medicina en Costa Rica a estudiantes extranjeros. A ellos se les cobra 50 dólares por aplicar, 1000 dólares por reservarles el cupo y se les ofrece graduarlos en tres años.

El problema es que no están reconocidos por el Consejo Nacional de Educación Superior, CONESUP y algunos de los estudiantes que vienen se encuentran con múltiples problemas.

Al parecer, el representante de la Universidad Empresaria, Aldo Erazo, buscó contactos con algunas universidades privadas que dan medicina para un convenio, pero luego empezó supuestamente a usar el nombre de las instituciones.

A la universidad se le cuestiona:

-El uso indebido de la imagen de los hospitales de CCSS en Iinternet pues hacen creer que son parte de su campus.

-El uso indebido del nombre del Colegio Univesitario San Judas Tadeo, pues envían hasta papelería en nombre de la universidad, aunque ya no tienen ningún vínculo.

-El cobro no autorizado a los estudiantes en el extranjero de 1000 dólares, solo por reservar el cupo en la escuela de medicina.

-La apertura de una cuenta en Miami a nombre de la San Judas School of Medicine, sin autorización de la San Judas en Costa Rica.

-El pago de algunos cheques sin fondos a esta universidad, cuando aún tenían el convenio.

Por otro lado, la Universidad Empresarial no está autorizada por el CONESUP para dar medicina en el país. También, se han entregado títulos en medicina que no son reconocidos ni en Costa Rica ni en los Estados Unidos.

Esta última situación sorprendió a las autoridades académicas costarricenses en el ámbito internacional.

Representantes del CONESUP y las escuelas de medicina privadas, viajaron a Washington para brindar un informe a un organismo acreditador de títulos cuyas siglas son NCFMEA. Ahí ya tenían conocimiento de situaciones irregulares con esta universidad.

Esto generó que el rector de la UACA, en nombre de las universidades privadas, enviará una carta a Astrid Fischel para que tomara cartas en el asunto.

Esta situación de desprestigio del país en cuanto a la formación de médicos, preocupa a las altas autoridades en esta materia.

Por su parte, la CCSS ya empezó a tomar medidas contra la entidad, que todavía utiliza las fotos de los hospitales nacionales como parte de su publicidad.

Esta mañana quisimos conocer la versión de la Universidad Empresarial, sin embargo, en su campus en Cipreses en Curridabat, no pudimos encontrar a su presidente Aldo Erazo, más tarde vía telefónica nos informó que dará sus argumentos en una conferencia de prensa este miércoles.

Quelle: (nicht mehr aktiv)
sowie Webarchive:

Appendix G
Diskussion im Forum

Empresarial University ?
Good Morning, Has anyone registered or taken any classes. I am not getting responces to my e-mails. Thanks. Have a peaceful Sunday. Hille

02-11-2002, 01:47 AM
John Bear
A search here found 6 threads, but lack of information seems the norm. Caballero LaCaye, whose absence was noted yesterday, was hoping to visit on one of trips to Central America late last year. Perhaps we shall hear from him.

02-16-2002, 11:43 AM
I have never heard of anyone actually doing coursework. There was some questions surrounding the school's accreditation which were raised. I do not remember the outcome. Hopefully, someone will be able to fill us in.


Appendix H
Rutherford University
Wyoming, British Columbia, Swaziland, South Africa, China
Degree mill. No authority to issue degrees. Formerly labeled Stratford International University.

Empresarial University
Costa Rica, possibly China
Remarks: -

List of unaccredited degree suppliers,
Oregon Student Assistance Commission Office Of Degree Authorization

Appendix I

Nonthanburi - 4
Paris, Île-de-France - 7
Peru, Lima -2
Uruguay, Montevideo - 1
Hongkong - 3
Vietnam, Lang Son, Dong, Lat. 21°86'67" North Long. 106°76'67" East - 2
Puerto Rico, Trujillo Alto - 1
Uruguay, Juan Lacaze, José E Rodó 410, D.E.O.P Seller, see also 2005....06

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